Metal Roofing in Tilbury Ontario

Metal Roofing in Tilbury

Metal Roofing in Tilbury Ontario

The most expensive purchase most homeowners will have to do at some point is buying a new roof. Caring for your home should include making sure the roof is high-quality and in great condition for years to come. If your roof is degrading, you can quickly be plagued by problems like water damage and higher heating bills.

Making the switch to a metal roof gives you lasting peace of mind available from strong, durable metal roofing systems from Country Towne Metal Roofing.

The Pros of Metal Roofing

Whether you choose the traditional panels or steel shingles, you will enjoy the benefits of a metal roof for decades to come. There are several reasons why you should choose a new metal roofing installation, over just your traditional asphalt roof including:

  • Longer warranties
  • Environmentally-friendly option
  • Energy-efficiency
  • Fire-resistant roofing material
  • Strength & Durability

1. Longer Warranties

Each year, you will find new studies pointing to the longevity of metal roofing systems as a reason for their popularity. A properly cared-for metal roof that Tilbury residents can enjoy will last as long as the house. Steel shingles manufacturers provide warranties lasting up to 50+ years for most homeowners. In general, the majority of steel roof systems last up to 70 years in the right conditions.

2. Eco-Friendly Roofing

The world around you is always a concern, with a new metal roof from one of our suppliers, like ATAS International you will be playing a role in limiting the massive amount of asphalt waste going into landfills each year.  If you are looking to make a greener choice at home, metal roofing is a wonderful option. Asphalt shingles continue your dependence on fossil fuels and add pollution to the atmosphere during production. You may consider the amount of waste produced each year by asphalt shingle tear-offs. Over 20 billion pounds of landfill materials come from the roofing industry alone in Canada. The switch to metal limits your waste because your roof will not need to be replaced every 15 to 20 years.

3. Lower Your Energy Costs

No matter how large or small your home is, you will want to enjoy lower utility bills after you install a steel roof in Wakefield Bridge. Heating the attic space is one of the reasons why cooling costs are high in the summer months. Metal roofing systems have the ability to reflect solar radiant heat away from your building envelope to lower utility costs by up to 30 percent. The installation of metal panels creates a barrier limiting heat losses during the cooler months of the year.

Heating the attic space is one of the reasons why cooling costs are high in the summer months. Metal roofing systems have the ability to reflect solar radiant heat away from your building envelope to lower utility costs by up to 25 percent. The installation of metal panels creates a barrier limiting heat losses during the cooler months of the year.

4. Fire Resistant Building Materials

One of the areas of concern for homeowners is protecting their property from fires. Fire-retardent metal shingles can be rated “A” for their ability to resist fires and extremes of temperature. The growing trend of wildfires throughout North America makes fire resistance a key to your safety and peace of mind. Some insurance agencies will give you a better rate for installing a new metal roof, as they are way safer than other building materials like cedar shakes for fire protection.

5. Strength & Durability

Metal shingles not only have a long life and are unaffected by any extreme weather, but steel shingles have a 4-way interlocking system that builds strength into the system. Extreme wind or storms can be a big problem for traditional shingles, but metal is not affected by these common problems.

Other Factors to Consider about Metal Roofing

Whether you choose steel shingles or panels, you will have to consider that metal will be roughly double of any asphalt shingle installation, or more. New metal roofing installations indeed cost more than their asphalt shingle counterparts. However, once installed, a metal roof should not need replacing during your lifetime. Usually after doing the math, a metal roof will certainly pay for itself, many times over if you are in your last home.

Your choice of a steel roof will be less replacement, lower energy bills, and no insurance claims if a storm blows through. Alongside the ecologically friendly benefit of not having to pay for a roofing tear-off. Rest assured, a new metal roofing system in Tilbury will add real curb appeal to your home when installed.

You may think about the future and want to protect the planet from damage for future generations. You will want to make sure you are not filling landfill space with your roof decades into the future. Metal is fully recyclable and will place nothing in landfills for future generations to handle. There are very few reasons not to consider an installation of metal shingles and you can call us with any questions or a quote.


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