How Long Does Steel Siding Last?

How long does steel siding last?

How Long Does Steel Siding Last?

Ever wondered why steel siding is so popular? It’s all about durability, low upkeep, and those benefits that catch every homeowner’s eye. Let’s dive into what makes it such a solid choice for your property.

How Long Does Steel Siding Last?

Generally speaking, steel siding can last over 50 years, thanks to protective painted galvalume coatings and options like galvanized or stainless steel for extra durability.

Now let’s discover what steel siding is, and dive deeper into this siding material.

What’s steel siding?

Steel siding isn’t just another siding option for covering the home’s exterior, it’s a statement of style and durability. Traditionally, steel has been revered for its strength and longevity, but modern advancements have propelled it into the limelight for its aesthetic versatility as well, making it one of the best siding compared to other materials.

Whether you’re renovating an old farmhouse or constructing a sleek new office building, steel siding offers finishes that mimic everything from traditional wood grain to minimalist, smooth surfaces. Its colour palette is equally diverse, thanks to high-quality coatings that also protect against UV rays, ensuring your choice remains vibrant through the years.

A beautiful house with steel siding.

Factors Influencing Longevity

The lifespan of steel siding is influenced by several key factors. Understanding these can help homeowners maximize the durability and appearance of their siding over time.

1. Environmental Conditions

Steel siding’s durability can be significantly impacted by the environment in which it’s installed. Areas with high humidity, coastal regions with salt spray, and places with extreme weather conditions can accelerate wear and tear on any siding. Protective coatings are vital for combating rust and corrosion in these settings.

2. Maintenance and Care

Regular maintenance plays a crucial role in extending the life of steel siding. This includes periodic cleaning to remove dirt, debris, and potential corrosive substances, as well as prompt repairs to any scratches or dents that breach the protective coating, exposing the metal to moisture and air.

3. Quality of Installation

The initial installation of steel siding is fundamental to its longevity. Proper installation ensures that the siding is correctly aligned, secured, and sealed, preventing issues such as moisture ingress, which can lead to rust and structural damage. Hiring experienced professionals for the installation can prevent costly mistakes and extend the siding’s lifespan.

4. Protective Coatings

Advancements in protective coatings have significantly enhanced the durability of steel siding. High-quality coatings protect against environmental damage, UV radiation, and physical impacts. Choosing steel siding with superior coating technology is essential for longevity, especially in harsh climates.

5. Material Grade and Type

The grade and type of steel used also affect the siding’s lifespan. Galvalume steel, coated with zinc & aluminum, and stainless steel varieties offer increased resistance to corrosion and are particularly suited for challenging environments. Investing in a higher-grade steel with a suitable protective finish can provide longer-lasting performance. We recommend using

Grade 50kpsi high tensile strength 26-gauge steel as a minimum requirement. Note that not all steel is created equal, 50kpsi could be stronger than common MILD steel.

A commercial building with steel siding installed.

How to Make Your Steel Siding Last Longer?

Ensuring the longevity of steel siding involves proactive measures and proper care. By adopting the following practices, homeowners can significantly enhance the lifespan and appearance of their steel siding.

1. Regular Inspections

Conduct bi-annual inspections to identify any potential issues such as scratches, dents, or areas where the coating has been compromised. Early detection allows for timely repairs, preventing minor damage from escalating into more significant problems.

2. Prompt Repairs

Addressing any damage is key to maintaining the integrity of steel siding. Small scratches or dents can be repaired using a manufacturer-approved touch-up kit to prevent potential rust and corrosion. For more significant damage, consulting with a metal roof professional is advisable.

3. Proper Cleaning

Keep the siding clean by washing it about once a year for good maintenance of the siding panels. This not only maintains its aesthetic appeal but also removes harmful substances that can cause corrosion over time. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or high-pressure washers that could etch or scratch the paint coating.

4. Protective Measures

Implement additional protective measures in areas particularly vulnerable to damage. This can include installing gutter guards to prevent overflow and ensuring that sprinkler systems do not directly hit the siding, which can deposit minerals and cause staining.

5. Landscaping Considerations

Maintain a safe distance between your siding and landscaping to prevent physical damage from plants and minimize the risk of moisture retention. Trimming back trees and bushes ensures that branches do not scrape against the siding during windy conditions.

6. Upgrade Insulation

Improving or upgrading the insulation behind your steel siding can prevent condensation, which in some cases leads to rust from the interior side. Proper insulation and ventilation are crucial in maintaining the siding’s condition.

a man cleaning his house' metal siding.

Durability Comparison: Steel Siding Versus Other Siding Materials

When selecting siding for a home, durability is a significant consideration. Steel siding is renowned for its strength and longevity, but how does it stack up against other popular siding materials? Here’s a comparison with three widely used siding options.

1. Vinyl Siding

Vinyl siding is a popular choice for its affordability and wide range of colours and styles. While it does not rust or corrode like metal can, it is more susceptible to weather-related damage. Vinyl siding can crack in extreme cold, fade under prolonged sun exposure, and melt if exposed to high heat. Compared to steel siding, vinyl siding generally has a shorter lifespan, typically around 20 to 30 years, and requires more frequent replacements.

2. Aluminum Siding

Aluminum siding, like steel siding, is a recyclable material that offers durability and resistance to rust and corrosion but has a bit higher upfront cost. However, aluminum may not be as robust as steel, making it more prone to dents and damage from impacts. While aluminum siding requires less maintenance than wood or vinyl, it may not withstand extreme weather conditions as effectively as steel siding. Overall, steel siding tends to offer superior longevity and durability, making it a preferred choice for homeowners seeking long-term protection and aesthetics.

3. Wood Siding

Wood siding offers a timeless aesthetic appeal but demands high maintenance to retain its durability. It is prone to rot, insects, and moisture damage if not properly treated and regularly maintained. Wood siding requires periodic painting or staining to protect against the elements. Though it can last 20 to 40 years with diligent upkeep, steel siding surpasses wood in terms of resistance to elemental damage and low maintenance requirements.

4. Fibre Cement Siding

Fibre cement siding is a blend of cement, sand, and cellulose fibres. It mimics the look of natural wood but with increased resistance to fire, termites, and rot. While fibre cement is more durable than wood and vinyl sidings, offering a lifespan of about 25 to 35 years, it still requires painting and caulking to maintain its condition. Steel siding, however, boasts superior durability with minimal maintenance, making it a strong contender for homeowners prioritizing longevity and ease of care.


Choosing steel siding for your home goes beyond making it look good; it’s a smart move for the long haul. Its unbeatable durability, along with perks like low upkeep, better energy efficiency, and being eco-friendly, really sets steel siding apart.

If you’re thinking about this sturdy siding material, Country Towne is here to help. We provide expert advice and tailored metal siding installation and replacement solutions for any siding needs to keep your home safe and stylish for many years ahead.

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